Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that can result in a “C” shape or an “S” shape if there are two curves. It is most common in girls but boys can develop it as well. It usually becomes present between the ages of 10-15 years old as this is when most children hit puberty and have a growth spurt. It is very important for children to have a yearly spinal screening to determine if they are developing Scoliosis. Scoliosis does run in families and should be checked for yearly.

Most Scoliosis is idiopathic, meaning they don’t know what the cause is. Some curves develop mildly where all the child has to do is to wear a brace to prevent it from progressing. Others can continue to progress into adulthood and may require surgery to stop the advancement of the curve. Large curves can be disabling as they decrease the space in the chest and cause lung dysfunction.

Common symptoms of Scoliosis are uneven shoulders, one shoulder blade that is more prominent than the other, uneven waist line, and one hip is higher than the other. If you notice any of these in your child get them evaluated by a physician familiar with Scoliosis. During your child’s yearly physical make sure to have their spine checked as the progression of Scoliosis can be subtle and painless to begin with. Or if you or your child goes to a Chiropractor regularly have them check the spine for any curvatures that may be present.

Being a Chiropractor myself I have noticed that there can be curvature in the spine from unbalanced musculature. Tight muscles can cause vertebral misalignment, which in turn may present a slight curve. Relaxing the tight musculature and performing a vertebral adjustment can reverse the curve.

The main message in this blog is to get your children checked every year for Scoliosis and be aware of the symptoms so that you can get your child the help they need if necessary.




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